
A PURlite növényi és ásványi nyersanyagok keveréke, amelyek nedvszívó, tisztító és nem irritáló tulajdonságokkal rendelkeznek. Erős nedvszívó és szagsemlegesítő hatásának köszönhetően kiválóan alkalmas az állatok környezeti higiéniájának javítására

NEOCONS Plus Ltd. has received Dun & Bradstreet’s AAA (triple A) Certificate

Dun & Bradstreet, the international provider of business information and company ratings classifies the financial stability and business reliability of all enterprises based on a proven system, that has been designed by international experts, and whose operation is consistently measured. This is how we have been chosen as one of the enterprises with the steadiest…

Pig and Poultry Conference in Paris

21-24/10/2019 Adisseo organized a pig and poultry trade day in the heart of Paris, the wonderful French capital. Old and new partners from around the world came to the event. This picturesque city boasts an abundance of historic sites, remarkable art and architectural masterpieces. The city, which has played an important role for more than…

Annual distributor meeting in Prague

27-29/11/2019 At the end of November, the little jewel box in Prague hosted our annual distributor meeting. Our goal is to get to know product innovations, professional work in partner countries and help each other work with our partners. Adisseo’s new versatile probiotic ALTERION has been mentioned, and its key feature is to help prevent…

Adisseo-NeoCons Round Table in Kecskemét

NeoCons – Adisseo Round Table in Kecskemét 10/04/2018 We have reached the first milestone of our nearly half-year distributor activity on April 10, since we had the opportunity to welcome our partners and many prospective customers interested in our work and our products. Our event was held in Kecskemét, an easily accessible town of the…

Our Burgos Adventure

Burgos, 17-18/10/2018 October does not pass without programs either. Organized by Adisseo, we had the opportunity to travel to Burgos with 2 partner companies who already use or plan to use liquid methionine. The trip aimed at visiting the liquid methionine factory in Burgos and gathering information on its use. Liquid methionine from Burgos Adisseo…

Success in Poultry Production 2018 – Symposium, Lurdy Ház

Poultry Symposium, Budapest, 02/10/2018 The autumn “conference season” was opened by the Poultry Symposium, with the participation of our small team. In addition, Adisseo was represented by our colleague, Miguel Colilla Sanchez, who gave a presentation about the possibilities of reducing the use of antibiotics in poultry feeding. The topics of this year’s symposium have…

What is the Mycowatch® application?

24/04/2018 Mycowatch® application The Mycowatch® application allows you to evaluate the risk of mycotoxin contamination depending on the contamination level of the different raw materials and finished feed. The application takes into account aflatoxin, ochratoxin, fumonisin, zearalenone and trichotecenes (DON, T2, H-T2). You will receive a personalized report based on the data you have evaluated,…